I finished Zipporah, Wife of Moses by Marek Halter. I read his Sarah last year and really enjoyed it. Historical fiction is really interesting to me, and biblical fiction is even more interesting. These books focus on the women of the Bible, and how their lives may have gone. We get so little of their stories in the actual Bible; it's nice to get a gilmpse of what might have been for them.
Zipporah's story is very intriguing. I honestly can't say that I remembered anything about her fromt he Bible at all. In this telling of her story, Moses may not have gone back to Egypt at all if it were not for her. She believed in her own vision of him and knew that he had to go back and deliver his people from the pharoh. She would not marry him until he did. The interations between her and her sisters and eventually with the women in Egypt are so realistically construed. I have such respect for Halter because he is able to write from a woman's persepcetive so well. When I first read Sarah, I could not believe it was written by a man.
This book is bittersweet and a little depressing, but makes you yearn to know the back stories of other people from the Bible.
No quotes jumped out at me, but I would highly recomend this book to anyone who likes historical/biblical fiction.
Zipporah's story is very intriguing. I honestly can't say that I remembered anything about her fromt he Bible at all. In this telling of her story, Moses may not have gone back to Egypt at all if it were not for her. She believed in her own vision of him and knew that he had to go back and deliver his people from the pharoh. She would not marry him until he did. The interations between her and her sisters and eventually with the women in Egypt are so realistically construed. I have such respect for Halter because he is able to write from a woman's persepcetive so well. When I first read Sarah, I could not believe it was written by a man.
This book is bittersweet and a little depressing, but makes you yearn to know the back stories of other people from the Bible.
No quotes jumped out at me, but I would highly recomend this book to anyone who likes historical/biblical fiction.
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